Thank you for signing up for Discovery Class. 

***Very Important Information***

  • When - Discovery Class starts right after the last worship service (or baptism) and will run till roughly 2:30pm.
  • Where - Discovery Class meets in Room 223 
  • We will provide childcare for children ages birth through 5th Grade.
  • Older children are encouraged to attend the class and enjoy lunch with you.  Please include them in this registration process.  If your child does not wish to attend the class we are happy to supervise them with your young children or you can make separate arrangements for them to be picked up.  Note: Minors are not allowed to roam the property unsupervised. 
  • There will be lunch provided for class members as well as children in Childcare.
  • Children can be checked in right before Discovery Class and we will keep them until the class ends and you pick them up.
  • Children who are checked into the Children's Ministry during the last worship service will be automatically transferred to the Discovery Class childcare by the Children's Ministry Staff.
  • We need to know all names and ages of any children you will have with you because we will be lining up childcare for them.
  • We will provide your children lunch and snacks so we need to know if they have any allergies.
  • Please make sure you sign in at the beginning of class including your children's names who we will be watching. 
  • Finally, we will take your picture to add to your profile for our church staff (this is not a public picture).

We're looking forward to seeing you at Discovery Class!

How many adults and older children will you be registering?